Ellie Bambury

The Big Sister Project

The Big Sister Project

The Big Sister Project - The book that launched me into coaching!

When I was 18, I graduated college and went travelling for a year before starting university in New Zealand. The first 4 months of that year were spent in a tiny little town I’d never heard of, in the east of France, on the border of Switzerland. I became an au pair for a family who, throughout our time together, very much became my own family.

The Big Sister Project is a coming-of-age memoir that explores the life experiences and lessons of my time as an au pair, and is suitable for any age and stage reader! 

Not only is this book a beautiful keepsake of the incredible au pair journey, it also became the launchpad for my coaching business back in 2020, which went by the same title up until may 2023. 

My story helped so many young people across the world who were seeking guidance around their own travel and/or leaving school experiences, and, over time, it merged beautifully into the foundations of my work helping people from all walks of life take time to self-reflect, deepen their relationships with themselves and others, and create intentional, purposeful lives.

This book is an easy read and full of golden nuggets that may help you see yourself and your life in a new way. It’s teeming with highly entertaining ‘epic fails’, emotional moments, realisations, and much more … grab your copy here!


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